Boxing. . . "look ma! no holes!"

here is the frame just behind where the MII crossmember will be mounted. you can see the axle centerline punch marks on the inner frame just forward of the factory access hole in the picture. well, its getting a bigblock buick mill, not to mention it simply needs to be boxed this close to the crossmember due to braking and steering forces on the frame. . . so i got a hole (or 10) to fill!

Here you can see the same hole now nice and boxed with 1/8" plate steel. I chose 1/8" in this case for two reasons. One, its plenty stout enough for frame boxing, and two, because its what i have on hand!

the open area just toward the rear of this (left side of the pic) needs to be boxed as well, going back at least 18" or so. i more than likely will end up boxing more of the frame towards the back axle to keep the frame from flexing as plans call for a Buick 455 bigblock backed by a Caddy TH400 slushbox.

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